Reagent Press
Books for Kids, Teens, and Adults

The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches by Robert Stanek

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The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches by Robert Stanek

Unleash the power of your imagination and enter a world you've never dreamed existed! Best-selling author Robert Stanek delivers an epic fantasy adventure that will open your mind and your heart. Perfect for the young and the young at heart! The Kingdoms & The Elves Of The Reaches is a refreshingly unique fantastic adventure where its only limits are the limits of your imagination.

Inside, you'll discover the breathtaking world of Ruin Mist where the mystical and the magical abound, and you'll fall in love with three heroes: a boy who would become a mage, a princess who is fleeing a dying kingdom, and a warrior elf who undertakes an epic journey. The adventure begins with Book 1.

Praise for Keeper Martin's Tales:

"I was immediately taken by Robert's ability to paint powerful scenes." Liz S., Reader

"A delightful story… My heart went out to Princess Adrina almost immediately." Reader

"Hooked instantly! … A great work of fantasy: a memorable world with terrific characters." Reader

"I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised by these books! You'll definitely be hungry for more afterward. I was." Will, Reader

"I enjoyed it and so did my 12-year old! I can't think of any book that I've read lately that was as good!" Martin St. Lawrence

Discover the magic of Ruin Mist as chronicled by Keeper Martin, head of Lore Keepers! Three heroes set out on an epic journey of discovery only to find that at the end of their journey nothing is what they thought it was and that their world and themselves are undergoing a transformation that will change everything. Survival in a changing world depends on their ability to adapt and if they fail, their world and everything they believe in will perish.

About the Author:
Overwhelmingly, readers agree that Robert's books are among the best they've ever read. His books have very vocal supporters who aren't afraid to voice their opinion and they frequently do so in online communities and lists. Strong reader support has led to strong sales. Currently Robert lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and children.

Robert is proud to have served in the Persian Gulf War as a combat crewmember on an electronic warfare aircraft. During the war, he flew numerous combat and combat support missions, logging over two hundred combat flight hours. His distinguished accomplishments during the Persian Gulf War earned him nine medals, including the United States of America's highest flying honor, the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross. His career total was 17 medals in only 11 years of military service, making him one of the most highly decorated veterans of the Persian Gulf War.



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